Midnight time is gaming time!!! The period of 12 am till 3 am is the time for an uninterrupted gaming session between my brother and I, because in the morning we have to wake up as early as 6 am for morning devotion that normally lasts for 1 hour or more if aunty Shade, mom’s sister is around. Sometimes, I think that woman should start a prayer ministry. Now we have online classes that are more stressful than any type of learning, assignments back to back, and every two weeks we have to write a quiz that is 20 marks thereabout. As our usual night ritual, we played games till 3 am, my brother decided to sleep but I continued my call of duty mission till 5 am, then tiptoed to my room and pounced on my bed to sleep like a predator ready to devour its prey, when I heard the Master’s bedroom door open.
The clashing sound of cymbals from the tambourine resonating so loud alarmed me 60,000 feet deep in the cave of sleep, that morning devotion has started. I jacked up from the bed running with my sagging pajamas worn inside out. I came out just in time, when the praise session had ended. “Lead us in prayer Mr. Early riser” my dad said, I knew it was one of his ironic sayings.
Father in Jesus’ name, we all come in one voice to thank you for the grace to be alive today, to be hale and healthy, we plead for the forgiveness of our sins in every way we have come short of your glory. This morning we are not asking for anything but to thank you for everything.
Thank you for the all-round safety you have granted us even in this COVID 19 season. Thank you for replenishing our storehouse, thank you for preserving our going out and coming in, thank you for everything. Even though we may not see our heart desires coming forth, we still thank you because your word says in the book of Matthew 19:26 that with God all things are possible, we have faith in you that you will complete everything that concerns us and give us city shaking testimonies, in Jesus name, amen!!!!
Mehn! I felt like a legend after that prayer, nobody in the house will underrate my praying skills. “Go wash the dishes and sweep the floor”, mom echoed from her room and I gave her a funny but serious reply: Ah!! I have not typed Mr. Sola’s research assignment, I am submitting it by 8 am.