Locked up within the heart of every man is the desire to be relevant, the desire to be recognized as an important personality both to his immediate environment and the world at large. But the issue has been ignorance of the exact pathway to attain this desire.
This book offers the exact road map needed for the attainment of this desire. It reveals ten irrefutable laws if applied can take any man from zero to hero. Some of the laws revealed in this book include;
* Law of Opportunity Cost
* Law of Scarcity
* Law of Service
* Law of Natural functionality and so on.
The author has been able to carefully study the lives of great men we celebrate today both in the Bible and secular world and drawn out these undeniable laws that made those men who they are.
In order to maximize the power hidden in this book, it is advised that the reader go through the entire book and apply every law stated therein.
This would yield far more than the anticipated result of the reader. It is pertinent to note that this book is not meant for everybody but only for those who are desperately hungry and willing to pay the required sacrifice to attain the desire of being relevant to their immediate environment, their generation, and the world at large.
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