Today’s Quote (9/5/21)
Don’t dwell so much crying about the things or opportunities you lost. Regrets don’t bring them back, it only makes you lose more. #StayFocused#PushForMore  Â
Don’t dwell so much crying about the things or opportunities you lost. Regrets don’t bring them back, it only makes you lose more. #StayFocused#PushForMore  Â
Do not knot your happiness to people. They tend to change, and some might walk away. Be the main source of your happiness. See the best in every situation.#CelebrateYourself#StayFocused  …
Don’t be swift to conclude or judge yourself based on people’s perspective of you. No one can create the future you want better than you. Mute the noise and build…
Sometimes the trouble that knocks on your neighbor’s door, that you kept quiet about because it wasn’t your door could also knock on your door and no one might show…
Morning Quote (13/09/19) Even diamonds fall to the ground but those who know its value quickly come to its rescue. It’s not over when you fall, allow those who see…
Morning Quote (11/07/19)It sometimes takes getting burnt to understand the hurt from a fire burn. The easiest way to get over a hurt is to learn from it and understand…
Morning Quote (24/06/19) Your look today is a reflection of how your yesterday was spent. What you know today is dependent on the knowledge you acquired before today. If you…
Morning Quote (22/06/19)We sometimes get lost in the act of killing the hard work of others just to get our will done. Friends/Family look out for each other not pull…
Morning Quote (21/06/19) Life secludes us into the game of always having a winner and a loser even if no one had the intention of that happening from the start…
Morning Quote (20/06/19) Positioning yourself at the right place is very important. Help often comes from the least expected places. Your part is to live right, be positive and never…