October 3 I leave the hotel very early in the morning. I want to return to Delta State as fast as possible. I reach Agofure motor park in Lagos and…
October 3 I leave the hotel very early in the morning. I want to return to Delta State as fast as possible. I reach Agofure motor park in Lagos and…
October 2. I’m the last person to wake up in the room. The other boys are ready for the competition. They’re reeling out words they’d spell but I’m battling another…
Don’t conclude negatively on yourself because things are not happening at your desired pace. Some things in life take time, take life one step at a time. StayFocused DontLoseHope
Stop crucifying others for not handling their life issues the way you think best. Rather, see it is an opportunity to help and not condemn or criticize their situation. BeASupportSystem…
Stop crucifying others for not handling their life issues the way you think best. Rather, see it is an opportunity to help and not condemn or criticize their situation. BeASupportSystem…
You don’t need to destroy the self-esteem of others by either mocking their weight, size, or their progress in life to make yourself comfortable. We are different and we move…
Do not dispose the truth, because you feel uncomfortable. Be open to unlearn, learn and relearn daily. Growth and progress come with learning. #BeTeachable #BeTrueToYourself
Never ignore the little disagreements that can be ironed out easily, before they become big issues that are hard to fix. You can’t always have your way, do not let…
Never belittle the pain people feel over happenings of life or their past. Rather than cause more pain with hurtful words, be a source of motivation. BeKind WatchYourWords
Do not allow your growth, and achievements sway you to think you are self reliant, and suddenly you become unreachable. No victory is attainable without the aid of another. ValueRelationships…