Today’s Quote (4/4/21)
Don’t live your life trying to prove everyone wrong or change their opinions about you. You would then keep proving someone wrong every other day. Rather, be the best version…
Don’t live your life trying to prove everyone wrong or change their opinions about you. You would then keep proving someone wrong every other day. Rather, be the best version…
Don’t conclude negatively on yourself because things are not happening at your desired pace. Some things in life take time, take life one step at a time. StayFocused DontLoseHope
Don’t get carried away improving physical looks, and neglecting your attitude and mindset. Good attitude and Knowledge keeps you relevant.#BeRelevant#BeIntentional
There is more to a book beyond the cover design. Don’t be eager to draw conclusions about a person based on one perspective of them. Give people opportunities to show…
Never let entitlement mentality make you think everyone owes you a thing or the other. Rather, be grateful and appreciate those who lend a hand of support in this journey…
Not everything in life gets better, but you can choose to be stronger and wiser. Don’t stop your growth trying to fix last events that are beyond your control or…
Most times, all you need to move to the next phase of your dream or career is with you. But you need the right network of people/friends to help you…
What makes you happy doesn’t have to make sense to the people around you. As long as it doesn’t hurt. Be the best version of yourself. CelebrateYourself StayFocused
Don’t let life steal your dreams or friends that are important to you. Give no room for fear and emotions to make you a victim. Fight and fight real good.#BeIntentional#BeDetermined
Sometimes, the People that cares about you sometimes limit your growth. Subconsciously, they are always scared of losing you or thinking they know what’s best for you. Growth would always…