Today’s Quote (4/4/21)
Don’t live your life trying to prove everyone wrong or change their opinions about you. You would then keep proving someone wrong every other day. Rather, be the best version…
Don’t live your life trying to prove everyone wrong or change their opinions about you. You would then keep proving someone wrong every other day. Rather, be the best version…
Take caution as to your words, actions, and attitude towards people that come around you, so you don’t gradually become the evil or oppression you spoke against. Be the reason…
Avoiding conflicts or having fear of rejection can make you lose your voice, your dreams or your identity. Don’t let people bully you into your shell or take advantage of…
In your pursuit for a better life, don’t lose your values and self-esteem. Making excuses for your wrongs will not validate the wrong act. Rather, stay true to the truth.…
There would be tired days, and days that your past mistakes will persist. It would be easy to say ‘snap out of it’ when all you need is a good…
Never belittle the pain people feel over happenings of life or their past. Rather than cause more pain with hurtful words, be a source of motivation. BeKind WatchYourWords
Sometimes you find yourself settling for less, because you believe you don’t have what it takes to go for more. Push for more and kill the self sabotaging mindset. YouDeserveTheBest…
Learn to aid and support whenever it is within your capacity. Do not do it for gain or applauds. Don’t feel entitled or belittle anyone that has benefited from your…
Do not allow your growth, and achievements sway you to think you are self reliant, and suddenly you become unreachable. No victory is attainable without the aid of another. ValueRelationships…
Walking on eggshells because, you are afraid of trying a new path? Brace up and know when to transit and flow with the transition. Don’t put your life on hold…