His Rule Publication

They said I was too quiet
So I tried to blend in
Talk when I absolutely only should listen
I should have known…
They were jealous of my peace
And how it seemed I always had my shit together.

They said I was too loud
So I toned it down
I should have known
They were scared of the truth
Worried it would go viral and set people, even them – free.

I took their words for it because I wasn’t saying anything to myself.

I spent my time listening, internalizing and worrying much over what THEY SAID.

I forgot all that really matters was what HE SAID.

So I listened in, internalized what HE SAID and repeated for emphasis. Here is what HE SAID.

I, JULIET ISRAEL am dearly beloved, incomparable, beautiful, free and smart.

HIS truth has HE put in my mouth and HIS love in my heart.

These gifts were for a purpose and for this reason I live and shine bright like a Diamond, that others, through me might see.


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