Today’s Quote (14/5/21)
No one is perfect, we have all taken some wrong actions or decisions in life. But judging yourself daily with regrets can’t change the past rather it stunts your growth.…
No one is perfect, we have all taken some wrong actions or decisions in life. But judging yourself daily with regrets can’t change the past rather it stunts your growth.…
Don’t fund your fear with negative words or views of naysayers. Rather, surround yourself with people that push you towards your goals.#BelieveInYourself#GetAGoodSupportSystem Â
When we choose to deny the presence of life issues rather than solve them, we lose the ability to connect better with those around us. Knowing we can discuss problems…
HRP LETTER SERIES: LETTER TO MY FRIEND ABOUT LOYALTY TO DREAMS Dear friend,It gives me great joy to write to you today. I hope you’re hale and hearty. I also…
Morning Quote (01/06/19) You cannot heal the world when you’ve not healed yourself first. You cannot change the world when you’ve not changed yourself first. We cannot have a better…
Morning Quote (17/05/19) Trying to see yourself in the mirror of others is almost always a waste of time. Some people cannot see a good view of themselves in their…
Morning Quote (08/02/19) Not every moon you target at will be within your reach at your first attempt. However, you would get closer at every attempt. Don’t let anything discourage…
Morning Quote (05/02/19) Failure is not a property that is passed down from one person to another. The fact that some people failed at something doesn’t mean it’s your turn…
Morning Quote (31/01/19) Don’t push the good network you are building away by still holding on to wrong values and mindset. You are a reflection of who you listen to…
Morning Quote (24/01/19) Sometimes we pull the wrong things/people our way because we feel we cannot do without them. The door to success may fit only you because not everyone…